Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #152: Shades and Shadows

This fun challenge is brought to us by Ann-Christine.

The shadow of the bridge at the top of the page was taken from the Hurricane Turn Train stopped on the bridge over Hurricane Gulch, Alaska. The shadow of the airplane is from a flight seeing trip to see Mt. Denali in Alaska.

Closer to home in Georgia are shadows of a fence out in the country and an Egret flying over a salt water creek at low tide.

During our RV travels we were happy campers when we found a campsite with a shady place to set up our chairs.

Many thanks to guest host Ann-Christine for the challenge. Please be sure to visit her post at Lens-Artists Challenge #151: Shades and Shadows

21 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #152: Shades and Shadows

  1. Lovely collection – and I do understand the camper’s wish…Sometimes I get really sad about nonexisting shade for cars. We often have our dog with us, and it’s impossible to find a place for it without frying the dog if we have to leave for a couple of minutes. Why do they cut down the trees…why do they not build in shade when they plan parking places?
    Anyway, so enjoyed your entry this week, and the egret is wonderful.

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    1. Judy, seems like the egret photo is a hit and I didn’t include it until the last minute. Yes, those are some fond camping memories. Sometimes I miss the beautiful places we camped but not all the work to tow, set up, break down and do it all again a couple of days later. I’m glad we did it when we were younger!

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