Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #173 – Interesting Architecture

Tina’s challenge this week is to show interesting architecture – whether in our back yard or around the world.

My first three images don’t have anything in common except I like the architectural details of each of them. The image above is from the Art Deco District in South Beach in Miami. These next two are from two National Parks in the United States.

The rest of my images are of interesting houses of worship. The first is from Alaska and the rest are historic houses of worship in Savannah, Georgia.

Russian Orthodox Church in Ninilchik, Alaska

Many thanks to Tina for this Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #173: Interesting Architecture

24 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #173 – Interesting Architecture

  1. Beth, the photo of South Beach looks to be around sometime in the ’90s. That street still looks much the same and I imagine it always will. By far the best example of Art Deco in the country. I am also a big fan of churches. Always on the lookout for them when we travel. Savannah has some truly extraordinary ones. You’ve captured them beautifully.

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    1. Suzanne, thank you! You were very close on the timing of the photo of South Beach. It’s from the summer of 2003. The cars really date the picture. I also am a fan of churches. It was hard narrowing it down to just the ones I included here. I wish I had some of the inside of the Cathedral. It’s stunning!

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  2. What a neat challenge! Loved the Art Deco… I’ve never been to South Beach so that was neat to see.
    By the way… I love churches too. Nice photos my friend!

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    1. Yes, that Russian Orthodox Church is beautiful and in such a gorgeous setting. We had a delightful conversation with two elderly women in the gift shop who grew up in Ninilchik and had to live in Anchorage with relatives to go to high school.

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