Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #140 – A Change of Scenery

I have the honor of hosting this week’s Lens-Artists photo challenge. If you are able to do so, we are challenging you to get out and look for a change of scenery. You don’t have to go far from home. It can be in your neighborhood, town, or even a car ride away. Maybe there is a nearby park you haven’t been to in a while, or maybe you’ve been wanting to try a different route on your walk, run, or bike ride. If you are unable to get out right now, we’d love for you to browse through your archives to feature images from places you have visited in the past when you needed a change of scenery.

It’s been a long time since we have gone anywhere so my husband and I took off last week for a short road trip. Three nights in a small town on the Gulf Coast of Florida was just what we needed to recharge our batteries. Morning walks, nature trails, lots of birds, watching the sunset, and fresh delicious seafood were just what the doctor ordered.

Restaurants and shops on the Cedar Key Waterfront
Early morning view just a few steps from our room
Nature trail Boardwalk at Cemetery Point Park
Clam fisherman out for a day of work. This unique boat design isn’t seen in the waters where I live.
These stone crab traps are different from the blue crap traps we see in coastal Georgia.
Brown Pelican waiting for a handout on the fishing pier in Cedar Key. The ones at home aren’t this bold.
Gulf Coast Sunset, Cedar Key, Florida

In your post, please include a link to my original post and use the Lens-Artists tag so everyone can find your post in the WordPress reader. I’m looking forward to seeing your responses!

Thank you to everyone who participated in Tina’s Special Moments challenge last week. It was a joy to see so many special moments and read the incredible stories that went along with the images.

Many thanks to Tina, Ann-Christine, Patti and Amy for inviting me be be your host this week. I’m looking forward to seeing all of your responses!